• In The Middle

    This is an adult ministry group for those in our 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s at Christ Our Savior that meets about once a month for social events at church and in the community. Our pattern for 2025 will be an Event/Outing one month and a Dinner together the following month.

    Past events include: Mini Duckpin Bowling, Admirals Hockey Game, Escape MKE, the musical Sister Act, and Pints in the Park.


    Did someone say “Pot Luck?” This March we are gathering at church on a Wednesday night for a meal together, bring your favorite food to share. We will have a signup ready soon so you can share what your bringing, and find out what others are bringing. More details on dates and times comming soon.


    After a great turn out for our February GameShow Battlerooms outing we are crafting the right thing for us all to have fun together again in April. Watch this space!

    Click below for more info and to sign up!

  • JOY (Just Older Youth)

    This is our 60+, older adult ministry at COS. We also gather for social outings, service projects, and lunches.


    We are planning on heading out for LUNCH together on March 4th @ 11:30 at the GOAT in Sussex! Come and join us for conversation and a good meal, no pre-reservation required!


    Every other month we gather for a fun acitivity or event, and we are crafting the perfect experience for us in April. In recent months we have gone to plays or musicals, and we are hoping to have a new experience for us to join in this April. Watch this space for more details.

    Click Below for more information or to sign up today!

  • Lenten Video Study

    This March and April we will be gathering on Mondays for a Video Study using He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado. Anyone is welcome to attend. We plan to offer the same study at both 1pm and 6:30pm. The study is a 15 minute video and about 45 minutes of conversation. The Study Guide (not the book) is encouraged, but not required. Want to Sign up?

  • COS Quilters

    This dedicated group of quilters makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief. These quilts bring love and comfort to those in need. Our quilters also make precious personalized baby quilts to give to our newly baptized children and their families. What a wonderful keepsake to treasure and remember this momentous occasion.