What’s Happening

Explore Our Vibrant Church Community

Find Your Home At Christ Our Savior

Discover the heart of our community through engaging activities and events tailored for every age group. From Sunday School to JOY Group, there’s something for everyone.

Upcoming Church Events

Sunday School

Join us for a fun-filled learning session tailored for our young ones, focusing on biblical stories and life lessons.

Sundays during worship

4k-6th grade – All are welcome!

T@COS (7th-12th Grade)

Our May T@COS (Teens @ Christ Our Savior) event is a trip to Skyzone on May 19th starting at 1pm! The cost is $35 and includes Skysocks and hours of fun for our 7th-12th graders. Friends are more than welcome for this fun event. Text Pr. Matthew at 262-361-3325 to sign up or for any questions!

May 19, 2024, at 1:00 PM

$35 – friends are welcome!

TnT (Twenties &Thirties)

Our TnT (Twenties and Thirties) Group’s next event is coming up on Saturday, May 4th at 7pm! We are heading to a Smash Zone, where we will get to go wild with sledgehammers and bats on everyday junk and even the room itself!

May 4, 2024, at 7:00 PM

$40 – Bring a friend!

In The Middle

Annual Tulip Festival

Happy Day Farm Haus-Germantown
Tickets are $5 in advance. $10 day of event.
Enjoy the tulips, along with food trucks and
live music. Contact Ronda in the church office for
carpool info.

May 5, 2024, after church

Open to all!

JOY Group

Our JOY (Just Older Youth) Group traditionally for those 60+ meets for lunch the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30. We are currently meeting at “the” Kitchen in Sussex. Hope to see you there!

1st Tuesday each Month, at 11:30 AM

Open to all!

Check Out Our May Newsletter

Current Collections

Fellowship Time Goodies
SOS Food Pantry
All items may be dropped off at the east entryway.

SAVE THE DATE: Vacation Bible School!

June 24th-27th: Coming this Summer to Christ Our Savior, it’s “Backstage with the Bible.”
Get ready for the ultimate vacation bible school concert experience. Details on how to get your VIP passes, the concert line-up schedule, and more are coming soon.
Please contact Carol Rabideau with questions you may have.

Be Involved! Join a Worship Team!

There are opportunities for you to be involved and serve this fall by joining a worship team. Listed below are our worship teams and our team coordinators for each one. There are a few worship assistant teams that still need a coordinator. Maybe it is you!
  • Altar Guild – Kathy Michalek, coordinator
  • Communion Assistants – Emma Oppermann, coordinator
  • Bread Bakers – JoAnn Leary, coordnator
  • Offering Counters – Barry Brown, coordinator
  • Lectors – Maria Liedtke, coordinator
  • Hospitality – Becky & Doug Oppermann, coordinator
  • Ushers – Christa Trushinsky, coordinator
All adults, high school youth, confirmation students, and children (with their parents) are encouraged to be involved. If you would like to serve, but are new to the role, we will provide you with training. You can find the sign-ups on our website. Contact Ronda at  with questions. 

Youth Summer Mission Experience Mystery Mission 2024

Save the date for our summer Mission Experience July 25-30.

Are you ready to work really hard for someone who needs it? The Mystery Mission might be right for you! Our days start early with a hot breakfast where we are staying and we work late into the afternoon. Youth will be in charge of making their own lunches (usually the night before) from a wide selection of sandwich fixings, fruit, chips and a granola bar. Each evening we have fun, night-life activities (past years we have gone ziplining, laser tag, stand up paddleboarding, go karting, and minigolf), have a hearty supper and we also have a devotional/debriefing time.

We will be staying in a climate controlled, comfortable, hotel for the week, which not only provides us with an easy but substantial breakfast, but also recoup time from our hard work with the pool and other amenities. Youth can expect to serve primarily within low income areas of a large city. We have work scheduled at a food bank serving the region and a ministry that serves both adults and children, with meal, clothing, housing assistance, and other programs.

These summer mission trips tend to be life changing experiences, and I can’t encourage you more to consider participating. This trip is open to anyone completing 7th-12th grade this year.

Adopt a Garden

We invite you and your family to adopt-a-garden to help keep our property looking top notch!
We have about 12 garden and flower beds around our church that need occasional weeding and care throughout the summer months and into early fall. Each area is small in size, so commitment is only 1-2 hours per month, whenever it’s convenient for you.
Click here for more information and to pick out your garden.

Attention ALL Coordinators!!!

This is a friendly reminder to submit info for the bulletin and announcements by Tuesday each week.
You can submit your articles to Breanna.
If you have pictures, send those too!

Capturing Moments at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church

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