Confirmation is the process we use in the Lutheran church to instruct our youth in the basics of faith and move them toward full membership in the church. Since most of our kids are baptized as infants, confirmation is a chance for them to grow as Christians and claim for themselves the promises that were made for them by their parents and Godparents years earlier. That’s why it’s also called “Affirmation of Baptism.”
Christ Our Savior’s confirmation program runs fall–spring.
Confirmation will be broken up into Years 1, 2, and 3. Students may begin year 1 anytime beginning in 7th grade or later. Our program will focus on four main experiences for these youth. Namely, Belonging & Community, Meaningful Worship Participation, Faithful Learning, and Impactful Service. These areas of focus will be achieved through Worship at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, Classes on Sunday mornings, a Mentor Program, and Service Opportunities.
Years 1 & 2 will meet most weeks on Sunday mornings between worship services. We will meet in a large group together (not divided by year) and our teaching focus (catechism) will rotate between a specific Bible focus and a Lutheran Theology focus (themes and thinking about God). You will also begin to develop a relationship with a Mentor from the congregation during these first two years.
Year 3 is invited to meet once a month on Sunday mornings following worship alongside the Year 1 and 2 youth (highlighted in the schedule below), along with their mentors. This group will have a breakout group of just Year 3 students as a part of that Sunday. Year 3 will deepen their relationships with their adult church mentor. If you or your mentor has a specific conflict with the highlighted Mentor Class Sunday and still want to come for a class together, let me know as you can substitute a different class as long as we communicate ahead of time. For the 2024-2025 school year, year 3 students will be Confirmed at a special 2 pm service on Reformation Day (October 27th). This means these year 3 classes aren’t a requirement of Confirmation, but rather just the “Next Step” in their faith journey.
Class Participation: We encourage all students to make their faith life a focal priority in their life, and during this season that includes confirmation.
Confirmation is a great opportunity to ask important faith questions, to grow in your faith, and to grow close with your peers and church friends that may last a lifetime. We know that there are things that come up, there are competing commitments that we all have. Just know, I’m excited and planning on seeing you at all of the scheduled classes unless you let me know ahead of time of your absence. Again, I understand things come up, so when they do just let me know! You can text or call me, email me, or even drop me a paper note at church, I want that to be easy. If something is going on, talk to me, as communication is so important in all relationships and we can make a plan so you don’t miss out.